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Re: Welcome to the Three Weeks

Alex Jacobowitz writes:
"As many of you know, today, the 17th of Tammuz, begins the three week
mourning period . . . .
"The Rabbis say . . . .
"Therefore, if Jews are in a Jewish musician's audience, we have a
dilemma . . . ."

Seth Rogovoy writes:
".... it's common knowledge that some of the players (or at least ONE)
in these groups are Torah-observant, and based on what you are saying,
therefore probably would/should NOT be performing...."

Eric Goldberg writes:
"Does this mean that we are allowed....
" he allowed...or would it be better...."

        As before, Alex raises serious and difficult issues.  However, I am
Extremely uncomfortable with anyone who isn't a posek (an authority in
Jewish law), and I am Not just thinking of Alex here, giving a halachic
(Jewish-legal) ruling for anyone else, at least without careful
attribution of sources which would clarify the contexts in which those
rulings apply.

        Given the nature of the Internet, Kal V'Chomer (very roughly, "how much
more so) in a medium like this.  And it's not just that it's a religious
issue, or that I think religious issues shouldn't be discussed here (I'm
enough of an Orthodox to think there's nothing that's NOT a religious

        It's the open, implied-peer-knowledge quality of a Usenet newsgroup
discussion process that makes halachic issues very dangerous unless
carefully guided by a commitment to a valid Halachic process or guided
by a valid authority.  It's too tempting to let the fun overwhelm the
ethical issues.  And yes, I realize how loaded my words are. 

        Here's my point:  as they say on mail-jewish, CYLOR (Consult Your Local
Orthodox Rabbi).  By the way, I heartily recommend, which has discussed issues
such as this over some years.  


Michael Singer,                    1-301-340-4674, FAX 1-301-340-4576 
Bass, Capital Klezmers                      mailto:michaels (at) 
Statements &                        mailto:michael(dot)singer (at) 
opinions expressed here are mine and don't reflect the views of GEIS.

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