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Help finding music of Castelnuovo-Tedesco?

     My wife, a classical pianist, would like to consider programming some of
Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco's works in future recitals, but hasn't been able to
locate any of it.  It's mentioned in Hinson's guide to the piano repertoire,
but apparently his music is out of print.  She's particularly interested in
(1) Le danze del re David, op. 37, and (2) 3 corali su melodie ebraiche, op.
43, though she'd probably like to see anything available for solo piano or
piano with violin or flute.
     As I mentioned, the works seem to be out of print, and the music library
at the local university doesn't have them.  Anyone have any idea where they
could be found?  Anyone have copies, or know of a library that has them?
      Thanks for any help.  If possible, I'd appreciate receiving e-mail
copies of any replies, at SAlbert (at) aol(dot)com(dot)

Steve Albert (for Andrea Sokol Albert, the musically talented half of this

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