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Re: Help finding music of Castelnuovo-Tedesco?

hi Steve,
most, if not all of what's available nowadays by Castelnuovo-Tedesco is for
voice or guitar. but not to worry! his music can be special-ordered. you
just have to know from whom. there are one or two publishers who have
printed a lot of his piano music. I can't remember which ones, though.
at any rate, last year I succeeded in getting my hands on precisely these
two scores. the "Tre Corali" can be special-ordered from Universal (U.E.
8795), and the "Dance del Re David" can be ordered from Forlivesi in Firenze
(ed. 11260). I can already tell you this will all be a bit pricey since it
involves special copying.
by the way, the Groves has a pretty good list of his piano works. 
if you want to order and don't have a good local music store, contact the
Joseph Patelson Music House
160 W. 56 St.
New York NY 10019
tel (212) 582-5840
fax (212) 246-5633
they will order anything for you.

At 23:02 3-06-97 -0400, you wrote:
>     My wife, a classical pianist, would like to consider programming some of
>Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco's works in future recitals, but hasn't been able to
>locate any of it.  It's mentioned in Hinson's guide to the piano repertoire,
>but apparently his music is out of print.  She's particularly interested in
>(1) Le danze del re David, op. 37, and (2) 3 corali su melodie ebraiche, op.
>43, though she'd probably like to see anything available for solo piano or
>piano with violin or flute.
>     As I mentioned, the works seem to be out of print, and the music library
>at the local university doesn't have them.  Anyone have any idea where they
>could be found?  Anyone have copies, or know of a library that has them?
>      Thanks for any help.  If possible, I'd appreciate receiving e-mail
>copies of any replies, at SAlbert (at) aol(dot)com(dot)
>Steve Albert (for Andrea Sokol Albert, the musically talented half of this

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