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Re: Israeli songbook online

In article <4u5afc$n37 (at) vegematic(dot)cablesoft(dot)com>,
trb (at) vegematic(dot)cablesoft(dot)com (Andrew Tannenbaum) wrote:

> I have on the web a scanned copy of an Israeli songbook that was
> distributed at Washington's Tenth Annual Memorial Day Israeli
> Folkdance Weekend (I don't know when this was, in the 80's I
> suppose).  It was compiled by Barry and Myra Gross of Silver Spring,
> Maryland, who kindly allowed me to redistribute it on the net.
> Note that all typos are probably as a result of my scan/ocr, don't
> blame Barry and Myra.  The file contains the text to 380 Israeli
> songs, in English transliteration.

Nice piece of work!  Thank you for putting it on the Web for us all to 
use, and thanks also to the Gross family for releasing it.  By the way, 
when I have to print transliteration for my choir (since the music goes 
left-to-right) I underline the accented syllables.  This is too big to 
do that for all 380 songs, but I will add it to the ones I use if I can.

Cantor Neil Schwartz

schwartz (at) enter(dot)net

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