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Stop With the Long Quotes, Already!

This is fairly basic Netiquette, but I wish that participants in this
newsgroup (and others too) would stop the practice of including long quotes
from predecessor messages when they post replies.  After somebody posts a
message, so many others seem to think it necessary to fully quote from that
message and any subsequent replies when they post their own contribution to
the thread.  The result is (1) to clutter the hard disks of fellow
subscribers with useless data, and (2) to make it extra work scrolling down
through reply messages, looking forward to the glorious moment when the
seemingly endless chain of --

>quote blah . . .
>quote blah . . .
>quote blah . . .
>quote blah . . .
>quote blah . . .

-- will finally end.

The only reason to include any quotes from the replied to message is to
pinpoint a particular aspect of the predecessor's message that you want to
address.  Anything more is unhealthy fat.

Musawwir Spiegel

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