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Re: Israeli songbook online

In article <4vfpmd$ops (at) test-sun(dot)erols(dot)com>, Jeffrey Rubin
<jevaaaru (at) mail(dot)erols(dot)com> wrote:

> I would be most interested in obtaining a copy of the music 
> to the Israeli songbook for playing on my piano.  Can it be 
> sent to me on the internet or is there someplace I can go 
> to obtain a copy?

There is no one source for all 380 songs presented there.  Besides,
there would be copyright problems if anyone tried to add the music.

However, if you investigate Tara Publications' on-line catalog, you
will find music books which include virtually all of these.  As you
will see, it will take a few books to cover most of the list.  May 
I suggest the following:

Israel In Song
Great Songs of Israel
Favorite Songs of Israel
Israel Sings
the three Effi Netzer Songbooks (they only have the first two)
International Jewish Songbook
Jerusalem Songbook

Tara can be found at
                  or     1-800-TARA-400

No, I don't work for them, but I do have all of these books and use
them extensively for teaching and programs.

Cantor Neil Schwartz

schwartz (at) enter(dot)net

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