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Re: Song: Lev Tahor

In article <4e0al2$nv3 (at) panix(dot)com>,
Gedaliah Friedenberg <gedaliah (at) panix(dot)com> wrote:
>Never mind.  I found the words.  In case anyone is interested, here
>they are:
>Lev tahor bara li Elokim,
>v'ruach nachon chadesh b'kirbee.
>Al tashlichayni milfanecha,
>v'ruach kadshecha, al tikach me'meni.

FWIW, this song originally came out on the 4th Pirchei record
(Pirchei Agudas Yisrael Sings 'Al Chomosayich Yerushalayim").
I think it's still in print, at least on cassette.

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