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Re: WED. Oct. 11th is National Coming Out Day COME OUT! DO IT! Life is easier...

In <DGAGH8(dot)F4C (at) blaze(dot)trentu(dot)ca> adell (at) 
ivory(dot)trentu(dot)ca writes: 
>In article <45frbs$ilo (at) ixnews7(dot)ix(dot)netcom(dot)com>, (Taylor) 
>>Have courage!  Life is SO MUCH easier when you're out of the closet. 
I'm coming out because I went to the L.A. Gay & Lesbian parade this
past summer and of the more than 700,000 people there I personally
counted fewer than 80 in drag or leather or other outrageous get ups.
>>When I turned on the news that night it was like my personal count
had made the news.  Every single one of those 80 or so people.  The
broadcast made it seem like a couple thousand people had shown up, and
showing only those in drag or leather made it seem like that's ALL that
showed up, like that's all there is to Gays and Lesbians.  The other
700,000 to 800,000 of us who are boring and average didn't make it onto
the TV.
>>When you come out you give non-Gay people and ACCURATE picture and
concept of who and what Gays and Lesbians really are.  Since it's
perfectly legal in 44 states to fire us from our jobs or evict us from
our homes just for SAYING we're Gay or Lesbian, coming out is a very
difficult thing to do.  I know that, and I have experienced all the
fear and anxiety you have.  PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE come out!!!  Life
really is so much better now.
>This is a genesis group, goof.   The only coming out I will do is when
I have
>to leave my apartment building for work etc.    Could it not be that
by saying
>ing that gays and lesbians can be evicted from their homes you have
>misrepresented the straight public?     Be careful of what you
> yourself might be doing it as well.
What do you guys think of the new Mr. Bungle album? Rocks it pretty
good, don't it?
    Cross posters will die slowly.

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