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Re: WED. Oct. 11th is National Coming Out Day COME OUT! DO IT! Life is easier... **END OF TOPIC**

This thread is TOTALLY IRRELEVANT to ALL music groups. I have waited
patiently for it to go away, but it has continued for over a week. I am
getting fed up with seeing it, and the last message, cross-posted to *24*
"" groups, was the last straw. I am *NOT* anti-gay. But I am
anti-spam, and posting messages on topics having nothing to do with the
subject of the group is most certainly spam, whatever their subjects are. 

I am very much afraid that if such irrelevant postings continue, they will
drive away from the group all serious musicians. So, in order to try to
save a group that may have been seriously damaged already by the invasion
of spam, I have decided to report all such irrelevant postings to the
postmaster at the poster's site -- whether they deal with gay rights,
computers, or anything else. Anyone else who would like to assist in this
effort is welcome. If there were a "live" list owner who would do this, I
would be glad to bow out -- but I have never, in several years, received a
reply to my E-mail messages addressed to the person who is the nominal
list owner. 

I am *not* advocating censorship. I am not saying that people should not
be permitted to post messages about coming out. These messages should,
however, be posted into the proper newsgroups, such as
"bit.listserv.gaynet" and "soc.motss". (I found these groups in "The
Internet Directory"; I apologize if these references are incorrect.) It
would be equally wrong, in my opinion, to post messages about Jewish music
into those groups, because such messages would be as off-topic as the
coming-out thread is for this one. 

Whether you agree with me or not, please DO NOT follow up on this thread. 
I will be glad to have private E-mail discussions with anyone who feels
aggrieved by this. 

Hope Ehn                          <ehn (at) world(dot)std(dot)com>

Dennis and Hope Ehn are 2 different people sharing one account.
Hope is the author of "On-Line Resources for Classical & Academic Musicians."
Dennis does programming (mostly C++).
PLEASE don't get us confused!                                 :-)
<ehn (at) world(dot)std(dot)com>

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