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Re: WED. Oct. 11th is National Coming Out Day COME OUT! DO IT! Life is easier...

While I agree that this message was a bit ubiquitous, i.e., it got bounced
around a bit too much, I don't see that it did any harm. At least, it did
less harm than the previous two posts. If it annoys you, ignore it an pass
on by it. But don't spout craps like "Fags" and so on. As a Gay man who is
a dedicated FM/SN fan, I resent the implied homophobia there. If you were
a bit more secure and adult, perhaps you wouldn't have to resort to
namecalling to make your point. It is precisely that reason others feel
that we need to make our presence known - so that bigots can see that we
are not some feakish sub-class "out there", but that we are your neighbors
and possibly friends - if you'd stop spouting off long enough to realize
that it is namecalling and having doors slammed in our faces that require
a better awareness in order to foster understanding and reduce the amount
of misunderstanding and unreasonable hatred, immaturaty and fear that
exists straight men. 

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