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Re: Cantorial Organizations

Jews College in London England runs a Chazanut course for aspiring
orthodox  Ba'ale Tefiala. I can get the number if anyone is

  In article
<3rhpb3$mmf (at) dub-news-svc-1(dot)compuserve(dot)com>, Menachem Bazian
(76366(dot)42 (at) compuserve(dot)com) writes: >Steve Powers
<75021(dot)1700 (at) CompuServe(dot)COM> wrote: > 
>>What are the names (and addresses) of organizations for Cantors 
>>both in the U.S. and worldwide? Are there any publications widely 
>>read by Cantors?
>>Thank you.
>Check out the Jewish Minister's Cantor's Assembly in NY. I know some
>people who used to be members...

"The whole world is a very narrow bridge - the important thing
is not to be be afraid"

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