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Re: Cantorial Organizations

On 8 Jun 1995 02:28:26 GMT, Steve Powers <75021(dot)1700 (at) 
CompuServe(dot)COM> said:

> What are the names (and addresses) of organizations for Cantors 
> both in the U.S. and worldwide? Are there any publications widely 
> read by Cantors?

 American Conference of Cantors
 838 Fifth Avenue
 New York NY 10021-7064
 +1 212 249 0100

The following is from the Reform FAQ, to be posted tomorrow:

Subject: 18.6.3. How does one become a Reform Cantor?

Cantors in the Reform Movement are trained by HUC-JIR's School of Sacred
Music (SSM), established in New York in 1948. SSM's campus is adjacent to NYU,
and offers the degree of Master of Sacred Music (MSM) to students who, upon
graduation, receive formal investiture as Cantor and are eligible for
membership in the American Conference of Cantors.

In order to be accepted to the SSM, applicants must demonstrate:

a) Musical Competence: A trained singing voice, an undergraduate degree
   (preferrably a BA with a major in music), competency in sight reading, ear
   training, keyboard harmony, and music theory.
b) Hebrew Competence. All cantorial students participate in the first-year
   Hebrew immersion program at the HUC-JIR campus in Jerusalem. However, prior
   Hebrew competence is necessary, and all candidates should read Hebrew, and
   are encouraged to study classical Hebrew grammar and syntax in college.
c) Personal characteristics. Candidates for admission are expected to be
   committted Jews and to possses the necessary character and personality
   traits. They should enjoy public performance, engaging others in the act of
   worship, teaching adults and children, and dedicated to a life of learning
   and discovery.

To apply, applicants require a autobiographical perspective on their life and
the reasons for selecting the cantorate in addition to the usual transcripts,
references, and medical forms. The process also includes an audition and a
formal interview, as well as a psychological assessment.

Subject: 18.6.4. What is the course of study for cantors?

The course of study is four years. The first year is in Jerusalem, and
involves 18 hours per week of Hebrew instruction. There are also classes that
introduce classical texts. Students also study cantillation, the Jewish Choral
literature, and the liturgical modes on which traditional Nusach is based.

In years two through four, there is indepth study of the year and life cycle
musical liturgy, as well as the history, structure, and theology of the
liturgy. The Reform musical heritage is studied, as well as study of art music
in Ladino, Yiddish, and Hebrew; the art and content of Jewish concert
programming; music for all ages in the religious school. There is also study
of Judaica: the traditional Jewish texts in light of the scientific
investigation of modern times. There is study of theology: Buber, Kaplan,
Heschel, Rosenzweig, and others. There is study of history: talmudic,
medieval, or modernity. There are also coures in professional development:
working in a professional setting, education principles and techniques,
teaching and integration of music, organizing and directing volunteer choirs,
the principles of counseling, making hospital calls, helping people with
crisis. In the second and third years, students also have fieldwork

For more information, write:

HUC-JIR Brookdale Center
School of Sacred Music
Office of the Director
One West 4th Street
New York NY 10012

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Erin Shoshana (b. 11/17/94) update: But I want to crawl nooooow!

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