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Re: Chazan Kasivitzky

Authenticity is  subjective when applied to chazzanut recordings.
The Kuussevitsy recordings use an organ because chazzanut sounds
pretty thin and dissapionting when played through the horn of a
78 phonograph! REAL chazanut can only be appreciated in the
context of Tephilah where the full expression of the chazan can
bring life and meaning to prayers. Even the best old recordings
cannot begin to convey the mastery of nusach that Kussevitsy,
Rosenblatt et. al. broght to their art when they took services
in the synagogue. 

Officially, there can be no record of these services because tape
recording is forbidden on Shabbat but I have heard that there is
flourishing pirate trade in recordings made on illicit smuggled
tape machines. I have not heard these recordings but Rosenblatt's
Uvenucho Yomar must soud a little odd recorded on a microphone
hidden in a tallit bag!

   In article
<3qe79e$529 (at) panix3(dot)panix(dot)com>, Israel Moskowitz (izm (at) 
panix(dot)com) writes:
>In article <3qbca1$je1 (at) panix2(dot)panix(dot)com>,
>Jeffrey Bock <ilduce (at) panix(dot)com> wrote:
>>In <3q34lb$qls (at) ixnews4(dot)ix(dot)netcom(dot)com> rast (at) 
>>ix(dot)netcom(dot)com (Mervyn) writes:
>>>In <3ovv6d$1fa (at) newsbf02(dot)news(dot)aol(dot)com> wfrankel18 (at) 
>>>aol(dot)com (WFrankel18)
>> ...
>>Actually, I have been slightly disappointed by this recording, because 
>>the singing is accompanied by an organist which makes it sound like 
>>church music.  Any recommendations out there for something slightly more 
>>pure (it needn't be by Koussevitzky.  I'm looking for "authentic" and 
>>traditional rather than unique or exciting interpretations).
>Try Yoselle Rosenblatt. His recordings (from the 30's, I believe) have
>been reissued. Although he may have used an organ in his recordings,
>I would say that he was certainly authentic.
>          izm (at) panix(dot)com       Israel Moskowitz         WA2ZKG 

"The whole world is a very narrow bridge - the important thing
is not to be be afraid"

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