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Re: Outstanding Choir Music

On 24 Dec 1994, Maxwell St wrote:

> A member of our congregation in Evanston, Bob Applebaum, has composed some
> really outstanding work over the years.  I think that, in originality and
> spirituality in a modern vein, some of it is comparable to Janowski
> (forgive me, Max!).   Bob does not have great publishing ambitions, but if
> any congregation would like to hear or see some of this music, I'll ask
> him about sharing it.  As the Cantor of his congregation, I'd like to see
> music of this stature circulate a little, and Bob to enjoy some kovod.
> Email me: maxwellst (at) aol(dot)com

> Lori Lippitz, Cantor
> Jewish Reconstructionist Congregation, Evanston, Ill.

One of the things that distinguishes Reconstructionist liturgy from, say,
Conservative liturgy is that the Hebrew prayers are changed to conform to
the Reconstructionist ideology (aversion to "chosenness," disbelief in the
actual coming of Moshiach, etc.).  It would be wonderful to have
liturgical music that was actually written to the reconstructed prayers.
Is this the case with Applebaum's music?

Mike Leavitt<mleavitt (at) netcom(dot)com>
Reston, Virginia

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