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Re: Sephardic shul

In article <Pine(dot)3(dot)05(dot)9301081109(dot)A13441-b100000 (at) fred> 
<jewish-music (at) israel(dot)nysernet(dot)org> writes:

>Interesting. I think the first thing to do would be to find out just what
>kind of Sepharadim they are.As I mentioned, the musical styles of Morocco
>are entirely dissimilar to those of Bukhara or Yugoslavia. Also,
>traditional Sepharadic music of "Pure Sepharadim" of Holland, Vienna,
>Salonica, etc, would have no trace of Middle Eastern influence at all

The two old Sephardi synagogs of the US Shearith Israel of New York
(1655) and Mikveh Israel of Philadelphia (1740) are indeed in the
tradition of Holland both musically and in their ritual.

Alan D. Corre
Department of Hebrew Studies
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee                     (414) 229-4245
PO Box 413, Milwaukee, WI 53201               corre (at) 


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