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[HANASHIR:17236] Request for HHD song

I know it's early and we haven't gotten through Passover yet, but I am 
already working on the HHD.  For the upcoming High Holy Days (YK afternoon 
I have been asked by the Rabbi to sing a song (in Yiddish) that has the 
english translation of....

'You must not say that you now walk the final way,
Because the darkened heavens hide the blue of day.
The time we've longed for will at last draw near,
And our steps, as drums, will sound that we are here.

>From land all green with palms, to lands all white with snow
We now arrive with all our pain and all our woe.
Where our blood sprayed out and came to touch the land,
There our courage and our faith will rise and stand.'

If anyone has the sheet music, as well as the Yiddish words, it would be most 
helpful.  You can email it to me privately at emirabel (at) aol(dot)com - thank 
I don't recall hearing this before, but according to this Rabbi, this was the 
song that was sung on the journey into the gas chamber. FYI, it's in the Gates 
of Repentance, page 441.

Thank you again.

Ellari Mirabel
Cantorial Soloist
Delray Beach, FL

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