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Re: songs about mothers, fathers and mothers in law

Just off the top of my head:
Hobn mir a nigndl
Di mizinke
There's a song whose name I can't remember right now about Di mekhutonim
geyn, sha shtill...something like that.  I'll look it up later.
Lullabies, if you're going that route.
Di mashke
Meyerke (or Nokhumke-depending on which version you're aiming for) mayn
Nor a mame
Mayn tate
A yidishe mame

Feel free to email me privately about anything you aren't familiar with.

On Tue, 20 Apr 2004 19:35:24 -0700 music (at) sterlingmp(dot)org writes:
> Batya wrote:
> > I'm compiling a concert entitled "mothers, fathers and 
> mothers-in-law"
> > (or something like that) including songs in Yiddish, Ladino and
> > English. Would anybody like to help me brainstorm?
> "Mekhuteneste Mayne" (My Dear In-Law) [in Mlotek]
> "Cu dajn mamen hob ix gornit" (I Have Nothing against Your Mother) 
> {priceless title}
> "Sviger [as per Batya's e-mail], a gut helf ajx" (Good day, 
> father-in-law)
> Vu bistu geven, texterl majne (Where Were You, My Daughter?)
> {text continues:  "At the evil father-in-law's")
> [three preceding titles/texts/music in OLD JEWISH FOLK MUSIC, ed.
> Mark Slobin]
> Hope this helps --
> Robert Cohen
> ---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org 
> ---------------------+

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