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Zog Nit Keyn Mol!

On Tue, 30 Mar 2004 EMirabel (at) aol(dot)com wrote:

> 'You must not say that you now walk the final way,'

This is the Yiddish hymn "Zog Nit Key Mol," better
known as the Partisans' song.

It appears in "Mir Trogen a Gezang" by Eleanor Mlotek,
which is an essential anthology for anyone interested
in Yiddish song: it contains all the classics, complete
with transliteration, melody line, chords and
historical background.

You can buy it for only $20 through:

Citing Mlotek:
<<Poem by Hirsh Glik (1922-1944), music by Dmitri
Pokrass. The song became the hymn of the United
Partisan Organization in 1943. It spread to all the
camps in Eastern Europe and later to all Jewish
communities the world over. It was translated into
several languages. Today it is sung at memorial
meetings for martyred Jews. Published by Yehude Ayzman
in 1945.>>

I've attached a Midi of the song.

Wishing you a Pesach kasher,

 Irwin Oppenheim
 i(dot)oppenheim (at) xs4all(dot)nl

 Chazzanut Online:
 Synagogue Choir:

Attachment: hh-Zog_Nit.mid
Description: MIDI audio

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