Thanks for your shiron comments, Shirona. (I'm at work on another project but will give a particla reply.)
The catalyst for my post was my experience Saturday night at my Musical Survey of the History of Modern Israel program in Westchester, NY. There were over 100 people present -- many were Israelis, but many were not literate in Hebrew. When I played the Israeli songs (for which I had entire recordings), such as for HaSela HaAdom, Israelis wanted to sing entire songs which they knew by heart. But I knew that many in the audience did not know the songs at all -- not even the melody. So I was in a quandary. I believe that had there been a complete text (Hebrew, English translation, and transliteration) no one would have minded singing the whole song (although we would have ended past 11pm). But, as I recall, the Young Judaea shiron, for example for HaSela HaAdom, has Hebrew text for only 3(?) verses and translation/transliteration for only 1 verse (out of 6? verses) -- sorry, I'm not at home to check.
I just recalled that there is an Israeli book that has the verses of many Israeli songs (with comments) -- but no translations or transliterations. It's a pity if the production costs (such as copyright fees) are prohibitively expensive. I sense that this is one of those cases where the development of the product would increase the demand. (If you build it they will come.) What do others think?
Also, could someone post distribution information for the 3 shironim we've mentioned -- B'Kol Echad, Kol B'Ramah, and HaShiron Young Judaea. (Apologies for any typos.)
-----Original Message----- From: Shirona Sent: Mar 30, 2004 10:11 AM To: World music from a Jewish slant Subject: Re: shiron for shirah b'tzibur
Hi Bob,
A shiron like the one you envision would be awesome, with all of your suggestions in place. I know the woman who worked on the Young Judea shiron - that project took three years and alot of funding - and the worst part was dealing with ACUM - the Israeli copyright organization (like ASCAP). Is it possible that the potential market for such a comprehensive project is simply too small?
Wouldn't it be even better to have such a Shiron on a CD, or on a website, where people could print at home only the songs they're interested in? (and pay for it through the net?)
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