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Re: in defense of rap

In a message dated 3/22/2004 11:45:44 AM Central Standard Time, 
mszeiger (at) hotmail(dot)com writes:
don't dismiss rap as a formidable musical idiom. 
Watching this discussion from the sidelines, I think that it is both noble 
and amusing that Jewish musicians, most of whom are playing a dying idiom that 
gets little or no airplay, are defending the form of music that has come to 
dominate American culture.  I don't think that rap really needs our defense, 
that its proponents and promoters are even aware of what it is that we do.  
That is not to say it is or isn't art, but I am personally more interested in 
the art forms that no one is even debating about as they vanish off the map of 
human culture.

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