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Klez Dispensers concert this weekend


As promised, here is the info for the Klez Dispensers' CD Release 
Concert in Princeton, NJ (just an hour from NYC by NJTransit):

KLEZ DISPENSERS Concert and Release of new album, "New Jersey Freylekhs"
Sunday, February 22nd, 2004, 3:00 PM.
Richardson Auditorium in Alexander Hall, Princeton University campus. 
Tickets are $15 (general admission) and $5 (children), and are available 

The CD is available from the band's website at

Check out Seth Rogovoy's review of "New Jersey Freylekhs" in the Forward:

What people are saying about the Klez Dispensers:

"My favorite of the new generation of klezmer bands," Frank London

"I really love what the Klez Dispensers are doing: reaching back in and 
getting the sound of the old stuff and doing some reflective, courageous 
and yes, in-your-punim kind of stuff," Henry Sapoznik

"The Klez Dispensers: tradition, innovation, skill and heart - wrapped 
up in one wonderful, welcome package!" Deborah Strauss and Jeff Warschauer

Thanks for all the support, and hope to see you on Sunday!


Alex V. Kontorovich

434 W120th St. Apt 7E1
NY, NY 10027
(212) 531-0538

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