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Lonely NYC tuba man with goyish looks seeks...

Hey all,
I'm new to this list so pardon the intrusion.  I play in a band called the 
Kleztraphobix ( ) here in NYC and my band has been 
after me to learn some more Klezmer tunes.  The problem is that everyone in the 
band is so busy and it's hard to rehearse.    Since they grew up learning 
Klezmer tunes and playing them while I was learning Rush, Genesis and Yes, I 
feel like I am the odd man out.  Yes, I am non-Jewish.  (Is that legal on this 
list? :)  So, are there any good Klezmer Jams in NYC?  Anyone want to get 
together and do some playing?  I can read my tukus (sp?) off.  I know my 
bandmates are on this list.  You guys want to rehearse?  Seriously, anyone 
hears of anything you can drop me a line.  I'd love to get together and do some 

 ___             ___                    _ _ | _ \___ _ _    / __|__ _ ____ __ 
_____| | ||   / _ \ ' \  | (__/ _` (_-< V  V / -_) | ||_|_\___/_||_|  

ron (at) roncaswell(dot)com

212.865.9622 (H)

646.321.5888 (C)

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