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Re: Balkan Brass (was: Lonely NYC tuba man with goyish looks seeks...

Hi, Ron - first, I have to say (as usual) "Why is [this] a topic for this
list? (Don't take it personally....)

Notwithstanding, in the US I know of:

Zlatne Uste (in NYC):

Zagnut Cirkus Orkestar (also in NYC):

Slavic Soul Party! not sure THEY would classify themselves this
way, but they have a brassy sound (also in NYC):

Les Miserables (started up here in Boston, now in NYC) - well, they do a
lot more than Balkan, but at least the add list relevance by including
klez guys Frank London, Dave Harris, Matt Darriau) - I don't have a URL
for this band per se - you can find the members, though

Brass Menagerie (Berkeley, CA):

NEC Balkan Brass Band (Boston): contact Michael Winograd, also on this

BAMCO in Washington, DC (I think is defunct)

for native Balkan Brass bands, the Balkanarama web site is a reasonable
place to start:, search under Links - Serbia is the hotbed
of Balkan brass, but Bulgaria, Macedonia, and Romania also have great
bands, even Greece in the north (Aegean Macedonia). Of
course, a lot of this (nonmilitary) brass music is performed and/or
heavily influenced by Rom (gypsy) musicians

Some of the big names:

Serbia - Boban Markovic (will be in NYC in September, oh boy!)
Macedonia - Kocani Orkestar
Romania - Fanfare Ciocarlia
Bulgaria - Karandila. (Not as well known is a Rom band "Yag" - I like them
and they have a wonderful version of the Sephardic song "Los bilbilicos"
(list relevance again!) on their eponymous recording - it's in 3/4 time
and titled "Marmel")
Greece - Florina Brass Band

Also - search for Brass

And, like in NYC, there are non-native bands here and there around the
world - e.g., in France is the Slonovski Bal Balkan brass band:

Hope this helps you (and was not too distracting to others...) Write to me
off-list if you need further details...


On Tue, 17 Feb 2004, Ron Caswellberg wrote:

> et al, Yeah, I've been doing that with the occasional B sections in G
> minor!  The funny thing is that my band just emailed me and they want
> to rehearse now!  I posted some new clips from our new record on our
> site for everyones listening. Also, just
> wanted to say that the Klezmer Shack is an overwhelming amount of
> resource and information.  I never knew there were so MANY Klezmer
> bands.  What's a good site for Balkan Brass Bands? R
> mashke (at) comcast(dot)net wrote: I think if you just play D and A with the
> occasional C and G you'll be just fine :-)
> Dick
>  ___             ___                    _ _ | _ \___ _ _    / __|__ _ ____ __ 
> _____| | ||   / _ \ ' \  | (__/ _` (_-< V  V / -_) | ||_|_\___/_||_|  
> \___\__,_/__/\_/\_/\___|_|_|
> ron (at) roncaswell(dot)com
> 212.865.9622 (H)
> 646.321.5888 (C)

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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