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Re: Lonely NYC tuba man with goyish looks seeks...

et al,
Yeah, I've been doing that with the occasional B sections in G minor!  The 
funny thing is that my band just emailed me and they want to rehearse now!  I 
posted some new clips from our new record on our site for everyones listening. Also, just wanted to say that the Klezmer Shack is an 
overwhelming amount of resource and information.  I never knew there were so 
MANY Klezmer bands.  What's a good site for Balkan Brass Bands?

mashke (at) comcast(dot)net wrote:
I think if you just play D and A with the occasional C and G you'll be just 
fine :-)


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ron (at) roncaswell(dot)com

212.865.9622 (H)

646.321.5888 (C)

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