Mail Archive sponsored by Chazzanut Online


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Re: Kol Isha - Enough Already!!!! and a new thread

I agree, Simon.  Here's my suggestion: The next time that Kol Isha comes up, 
perhaps someone could take all the "pro" and all the "anti" arguments from the 
last three rounds and send the collected emails to everyone who wants to 
participate!  Still, I listen in each time, because there is a good smattering 
useful debate that transcends the brawl each time.  

ON A DIFFERENT SUBJECT: Here is a question that gets asked now and then:

If you were to recommend 10 CDs to a budding klezmerologist that accurately 
represent the best of the various strains over the past 25 years--traditional, 
modern, and so on--which 10 would you choose?  I would like to present your 
entries to my students at the extension course I am teaching this winter.  
(Let's say that this list doesn't include the 78 RPM reissues, which are a 
given--every collection needs to start with a few.)  

Mine includes Izhak Perlman, Shirim's "Klezmer Nutcracker," Mickey Katz's 
"Simcha Time" (formerly Weddings, Bar Mitzvahs and Brisses), and the Belgian 
Group "Shpil Es Noch a Mol," in addition to standards like KCB, BOW and 
(and who can forget Maxwell Street?)   I hope that's an eclectic enough 
start, and I'd welcome yours.


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