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Mipney Mah

At 10:23 PM 12/25/03, abraham pupko wrote:
>  in the CD 2, the first song MIPNEI MA, with Frank London, Lorine 
> Sklamberg and Uri Caine, and the last song SHNIRELE PERELE, with The 
> Klezmorim, I
>couldn't stop to listen them, I would very appreciate if somebody can get 
>for me the words.

Here are the Hebrew/Aramaic words for Mipney Mah (in Ashkenazi 

Mipney mah yordoh han'shomo
Mey-igro romoh l'viro amikto?
Ha-yerido tzoyrekh ali-yo hi.

Why did the soul descend
 From a high roof to a deep pit?
The descent was for the purpose of ascent.

Cantor Sam Weiss === Jewish Community Center of Paramus, NJ

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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