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Re: New e-mail address for George Robinson

With luck, I've now updated the KlezmerShack. Sorry for the delay. Busy here.


At 10:00 AM 11/27/2003, you wrote:
>Dear Friends --
>Due to some bureaucratic/corporate fiddle-faddle at my ISP, my e-mail
>address has changed. My new address is:
>grcomm (at) grcomm(dot)cnc(dot)net
>Mail sent to the old address will be forwarded automatically for the
>foreseeable future -- they're a little unclear on how long that will be --
>but the new address is in effect right now.
>Sorry for the inconvenience (especially if you are getting multiple copies
>of this).
>George Robinson
>Suppose you were an idiot.
>And suppose you were a member of Congress.
>But I repeat myself.
>                             -- Mark Twain

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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