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Fwd: klezmer on fish street

Ruth is having trouble with her e-mail and the listproc software, so I am 
forwarding this for her to the list:

Date: Wed, 17 Dec 2003 15:02:21 +0100
>From: Ruth Ellen Gruber <regruber (at) libero(dot)it>
>I wrote extensively about the complex phenomenon Yale treats in his film 
>in my recent book "Virtually Jewish: Reinventing Jewish Culture in Europe" 
>-- Yale, in fact, interviews me in the film. "Virtually Jewish" is the 
>most in-depth work on this phenomenon to date, and it is easily available 
>In the book, I deal with the appeal, use and adaptation of klezmer music, 
>but I put this within the broader context of Jewish culture without the 
>Jews in Europe -- not just Poland -- going into areas of "Jewish 
>archaeology," Jewish museums, Jewish-themed tourism, and the like.
>I also have an article about the Krakow festival in the new edition of 
>"Polin", the annual volume on Polish-Jewish studies, which came out last month.
>Ruth Ellen Gruber
>regruber (at) libero(dot)it

>author of:
>Virtually Jewish: Reinventing Jewish Culture in Europe
>University of California Press

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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