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Re: Shrinking audiences? (was RE: Khevre is astounding)

In a message dated 12/13/03 5:51:49 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
seth(dot)rogovoy (at) verizon(dot)net writes:

> Have the professional performing musicians on this list noticed a definite
> drop at the box office since last spring?

As a coffeehouse organizer I can tell you that last season we lost money.  We 
had small audiences for our first 3 concerts (The Zydecats, Rick Fielding and 
Eileen McGann, each less than 40 attending.)  We made a small amount on two 
concerts and broke even on 4.  I think it may have had something to do with 
9/11 and the current political situation.  Some of the performers felt it 
necessary to comment on current events as I understand they might do at other 
as well.  Performers have confided to me that they have received negative 
feedback from audience members regarding their political commentary from the 
stage.  Perhaps this is offending some audience members and they are not coming 
for live music as much as they used to.


Willa C Horowitz
Leader and Teacher of Israeli, Klezmer and International Folk Dance

130 Mt. Sanford Road
Hamden, CT 06518
(203) 248-0291

willadance (at) aol(dot)com

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