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Khevre is astounding

I want to be the first person on the list to congratulate Michael 
Winograd and the rest of the band, Khevre, on a stellar, wonderful, 
new Yiddish music concert tonight. Michael was excellent, of course. 
Maybe better. The drummer was simply amazing. Hell, the whole band 
was amazing.

The band played some Yiddish songs, bits of klezmer, some new 
compositions by Michael, and mixed in lots of South American music 
and improvised wonderfully. The singer, clearly not a 
Yiddish-speaker, gave an ethereal voice to old standards, and quite 
frequently I felt that the songs were transformed to nign - not 
inappropriate to the trance-like improvisation behind them.

Finally, for all the good things I have to say, I also have to say 
that the band is still growing. I feel like one of those old blues 
mavens who first heard Signe Anderson fronting the Jefferson Airplane 
singing "Me and My Chauffeur" realizing that I'm not listening to 
Memphis Minnie, but instead of complaining, hearing the new and 
timeliness of the music and knowing that this is just going to get 
better and more interesting over time.

The band is playing the Tonic in NYC on Sunday. If you're in town, 
I'd say that's the place to be.


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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