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Re: Blues and Jewsy

Speaking of Melve Malke, I am on the way out of the house right now to go
over to Anshe Chesed, you know, on 100th street and West End Avenue (I
think...I know it when I see it) to play with Kleztraphobix for their
annual Chanukah fair opening.


r l reid wrote:

> Oh Thanks, Jordan.  You just made my spit my Melevah Malke Irish Kave
> all over the keyboard.  Which reminds me I should be practicing instead
> of reading email.
> ronen putterfeld "oy is dus a blizzurd"
> Jordan Hirsch wrote:
> > Yes. The original family name was Sour Cream and pot cheese.
> > Davemh333 (at) aol(dot)com wrote:
> > > That's interesting. I was unaware that Butterfield was Jewish.
> --
> r l reid        ro (at) rreid(dot)net

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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