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New Klezmer Recommendations?

Hello all!

I need my fix of new klezmer and was wondering what anyone could 
recommend in the way of bright, energetic klezmer CDs.  My preferences 
in happy klez include Di Naye Kapelye, the Klezmatics, Frank London's 
Klezmer Brass All-Stars,  Musikas, The Klezmer Mountain Boys, Les Yeux 
Noirs, The Machaya Klezmer Band, Yid Vicious,  and just about anything 
else as long as it's upbeat (well, for the most part, anyway!).  I tend 
toward traditional, but something more experimental might work, too.  
New melodies definitely a plus!

Has anyone heard the latest Flying Bulgars CD and if so, how do you 
like it?

Thanks everyone, and have a happy khog!  ;)

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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