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Di Grine Katshke!

I know I may be a little late on this one, but as I was wandering 
around Hatikvah finding the Crakow Klezmer Band CD, I also came across 
the lovely CD full of Yiddish children's songs called "Di Grine 
Katshke!"  Many of the songs are sung by the angel voice of Lorin 
Sklamberg, though there is also a guest appearance or two by Adrienne 
Cooper and Henry Sapoznik.

I feel in love instantly with the thick, luscious slathering of Paula 
Teitelbaum's voice, full of longing and loss in songs like "A Feygele 
in Harbst," and the haunting farblondzhet feel of "Geven a mol a 
Meydele."  Where can I find more of Paula Teitelbaum's singing???

Henry's singing on "Di Grine Katshke" is cartoony and wonderful and 
it's one of the most fun and enjoyable tunes on the CD, though "Tshimba 
Rimba" with all of its great animal sounds (have you ever heard a horse 
tell you to drop dead?!?  And *who* is that hun singing "Tende-Varende? 
Hilarious!)  might either tie or come in at a very close second!

If you don't have it already, it's Yiddish music both you and your 
little ones will love, but it's also excellent if you're starting to 
lern zikh Yidish, since most of the songs are about animals and contain 
simple Yiddish words and phrases which are easy to understand for a 
beginner!  You may well even love it just because of the beauty of the 
music, which easily reflects all of the hard work and thought that was 
put into tracking down the words, connecting them to the correct 
melodies and resulting an a wholly joyful and nicely produced 
collection of children's songs which might have otherwise been lost 
forever.  The liner notes are very informative and there's even a 
songbook that can be ordered to accompany the CD!  Well done!  :)


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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