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Re: mikis theodorakis

See the following charming "protest" of his, from early 2002. This stuff
from him isn't new.

Theodorakis protests

See also (about Greece generally):

Below is a recent Jerusalem Post article:

Nov. 11, 2003

Greek composer adds voice to anti-Semitic chorus

By HERB KEINON <mailto:herb (at) jpost(dot)co(dot)il>

Greek composer and cultural icon Mikis Theodorakis added his contribution to
the anti-Semitic miasma rising in parts of the world by characterizing the
Jews as the root of the world's evils.
Theodorakis, a towering figure in Greek music best known outside his native
land for scoring the music for the film Zorba the Greek, took his shot at
the Jews at a press conference to launch a new book.
"We, the Greeks, did not turn aggressive like them because we have more
history," Theodorakis was quoted by Y-net as saying. "Today it is possible
to say that this small nation is the root of evil. It is full of
self-importance and evil stubbornness."
According to the Y-net report, the Greek education and cultural minister
were in the audience at the time, but did not respond.
Theodorakis, responding to recent comments by a Greek statesman that the
Greeks and Jews are similar because neither have friends, said, "The fact
that we are very calm and did not turn aggressive like them is because we
have more history. They only have Abraham and Jacob, who were shadows, while
we have Pericles. Imagine what would happen in Greece if we were as
aggressive as the Jews."
The composer added that the Greeks are not characterized by the fanaticism
of the Jews.
Israel's Foreign Ministry issued a statement calling on Greek leaders and
cultural figures to distance themselves from the remarks.
"The Israel public is utterly repulsed" by Theodorakis's "anti-Semitic
comments," the statement said, and expressed regret that they were spoken by
someone of his stature.
"We do not believe that the comments reflect the position of the Greek
government, and therefore expect Greek leadership and cultural figures to
denounce them," the statement read."
Labor Party head Shimon Peres, who returned Tuesday from a brief visit to
Greece, said in response to Theodorakis comments that Israel's image in
Europe is very bad. "There is anti-Semitism and a great deal of hatred to
Israel," Peres said. "It is impossible to build a new Europe on old racist

----- Original Message -----
From: "Honora Raphael" <HonoraR (at) brooklyn(dot)cuny(dot)edu>
To: "World music from a Jewish slant" <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2003 5:12 PM
Subject: mikis theodorakis

> was wondering if anyone else saw that small news item in a recent
English-language "Forward" issue which was about the Greek composers recent
statement that Jews were evil, among other attributes. Had no idea the man
harbored such sentiments.
Honora Raphael

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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