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Re: masinke postscript

Steve Weintraub wrote

>I find this thread very interesting.  Based on oral descriptions, I've
>tended to lead the Mezinke as a circle around the seated and crowned (with a
>garland) parents, then breaking the circle to lead the line in front of the
>parents, with each person in line giving the parents hugs and kisses. Then
>reforming the circle.
>I'm not sure I completely understand what kind of figure  is being
>described.  Who invited people into the circle?

The Orthodox woman who initiated the dance and had control of the mic.

> By  "into"- does that mean
>joining hands with everyone, or stepping within the circle to dance
They were within the circle.  Dancing, yes, and I don't remember whether
the dancing was separate (the khusn had converted and so there were a lot
of non-Jewish people celebrating at this Orthodox wedding - I assume they
didn't all know about the prohibition re. men and women holding hands.  The
kale, however had specifically asked us to announce whether a dance was
mixed and for couples (we played some New England jigs and reels as well as
Jewish dances per the request of the kale.)

Dena Ressler

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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