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Jewish Song Circle in Chicago, Oct. 19

Jewish Song Circle
Chicago - Sunday, October 19, 2003 

 Praise G-d with the blast of the Shofar
 Praise G-d with strings and harps,
 Praise G-d with drum and dance,
 Praise G-d with every instrument with every organ
 Praise G-d with the ringing sound
 Praise G-d with every breath.
        - Psalm 150 

To many of us, song is what you do between praying. 
Our song circle creates a space for song TO BE the prayer!

Makom Shalom invites you to join us in song, with your voice, 
musical/rhythm instrument and an open heart for our monthly 
Jewish Song Circle. The Jewish Song circle is a way for us to 
richly connect with our soul voices and our heritage as we 
joyfully lift our spirits. 

All are welcome, no musical experience 
or special talents necessary!!

Sunday, October 19, 2003 6:30PM-8:30PM 

At the home of Terri Albert

What to Bring: 
What would a Jewish gathering be without food?
Please bring a potluck dish. In addition, any 
rhythm instruments of any kind are welcome.  

Please RSVP Michael Meltzer at 773 472-9837 
or Terri Albert at talbert364 (at) aol(dot)com 
for directions and pot luck dish you are bringing.


MICHAEL E. RUBIN            
e-mail:   merubin (at) comcast(dot)net
tel:      847-840-1757
"I believed in the healing power
 of words..." - Eugene Fitzpatrick
      "Until the End of the World"

     Shalom 'n' Namaste, y'all!


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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