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my feet's too big, and other plaints

Shalom y'all,

I just threw away my Yom Kippur shoes.

Perhaps they're acceptable for a congregant, whose most strenuous
experience is to stand for 45 minutes or more during Neilah.

But I'm a yomtov khazn, and I was on my feet for three hours 
straight, from Yizkor through the end of Musaf.  My voice was up
to it, but my shoes weren't.  They cost $20, they got me through
Yom Kippur for five years, and they're history.

Does anyone have a recommendation for top-quality leather-free
shoes?  I need good foot support, and I suspect that the other
full- and part-time khazonim on this list would also be interested.

I thank you, and my feet thank you.


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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