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Fwd: purimspiel song

>From: "Alison Kamm" <alison(dot)kamm (at) club-internet(dot)fr>

Can anyone help Alison?

>I'm taking part in a concert here in the Paris area where I now live, on 
>coming thursday, where I have to sort of BE the jewish part of an event 
>around the bible, sort of oecumenical... The guy accompanying me (I sing, 
>as you may the time I was a student at the Rubin Academy of 
>Music) really wants to do this little Purim song from the "fake book": 
>Come And See Our Purimspiel. Somehow, I can't believe the original is not 
>in yiddish, and don't like the idea of singing it in english. I need to 
>solve this within two days: if you know the yiddish text, or where I can 
>find it, or know someone who can translate it INTO yiddish for me (even if 
>it isn't originally!) in a "fingersnap", I'd be most grateful!


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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