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Boston Klezmer Jam/ GO FIGURE

Hiya folks,

i hope all of your fasts went well, and everything else that goes along with 

I want to let you all know that the Boston Klezmer Jam will continue this 
coming Sunday, October 12'th, at 6:00 PM, at the Brookline Workmans Circle, 
1762 Beacon Street.  Our last jam went really well, and I hope returning 
members and new memebrs show on sunday.  Cost is $10, we learn songs mostly by 
ear, but every once in a while we take out some sheet music.

Also, another plug:  GO FIGURE, live at the Zeitgeist Gallery, Saturday October 
11'th, 7:30 PM

Michael Winograd- Clarinet
Andrew Stern - acoustic guitar, tenor banjo
Rushad Egleston - cello

Go Figure is a new acoustic trio dedicated to quirk. Along with animated 
original compositions, you may hear some original interpretations of early 
Ellington, Monk, the Beach Boys, Elvis Costello, John Philip Sousa and Raymond 
Scott. Go Figure?s music is bathed in humor and rinsed with wit, played with 
bare strings and breath.

cost is $6

for more info:

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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