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Re: Arguments of Chazan's Nigunim

The big one in Israel: Whether or not it is "kosher" to use Rosenblum's
Untane Tokef. Some say not because it was not written for the shul but for
the theatre. Not true--it was written for a memorial for the unusually large
number of casualties from his yishuv in the Yom Kippur war. Many people,
especially in the Mizrachi shuls request this melody.

Some say Reb Shlomo's stuff is tref because he kissed people (and they were
written for the theatre). Nonsense. His melodies were written to serve
HaShem--he never really pocketed a cent from them--all went out to tzedakah
as fast or faster then it came in. These tunes are familiar and most
everyone will join right in.

A kehillah should choose a chazan that suits them. Once sent up as shliach
tzibur, they must let him do the job!

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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