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Re: [JLM] Kol Nidrei for Augsburg

Is this different from what appears in the material I put up on our site (all of Lewandowski's music)?

Stephen Simpson

I. Oppenheim wrote:

>>If I'm not mistaken, Lewandowski's one and two voiced
>>book has a simple form of Kol Nidre.  Unfortunately,
>>I've loaned the book out to a friend, and can't fax
>>you a copy.
>You can find Lewandowski's solo arr. of Kol Nidrei on
>my site:
>As well as Lewandowski's Mechalkeil Chayim:
>That you may have an easy fast and an inspired
>Wishing you all the best from Amsterdam,
> Groeten,
> Irwin Oppenheim
> i(dot)oppenheim (at) xs4all(dot)nl
> ~~~*
> Chazzanut Online:

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