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Straying off topic (Was costs of Jewish responsibility)

Thanks Alex,

What started as a thread on Jewish musicians finding themselves duped into
playing jewish music for messianic (J 4 J) events (more or less on-topic,)
drifted into the rights and wrongs of messianic groups in being deceptive
(off-topic) which then strayed into a conversation on the experience of dealing
with jewish organised religion especially from a financial perspective (also

As is often the case, the off topic threads have generated heated conversations
which do not "forward the conversation" of jewish music and risk of alienating
those who simply want to engage in productive discourse in various forms of
jewish music from all corners of the globe.

This is not to say that these off-topic threads of discourse oughtn't to be
aired, just that they ought to find another avenue rather than hijacking this

We all have opinions on other matters and issues which don't relate to jewish
music.  This list brings together all sorts of folks with one common interest.
Let's not get divided by our other personal interests.

Back to jewish music please!


"Alex J. Lubet" wrote:

> I'm not writing in response to anyone in particular and can resonate to many
> of the points made, but how is this thread on-topic for this list?
> "Terry S. Horowit" wrote:
> > >In Israel, many Jewish commununal costs are taken over
> > >by the government, particularly rabbi¥s income,
> > >which is meagre when compared to many other lands.
> > >The synagogue costs are administered by the
> > >municipality - again, quite a problem in America
> > >because of the doctrine of separation - but the
> > >costs are also much lower than in America.
> > >
> >
> > Only if it's Orthodox is it supported financially by the government.
> > Conservative and Reform congregations have to get by with
> > contributions and fees paid by their congregations, just like in
> > America.
> > Terry Horowit
> >


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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