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Seeking klez-festivities in NYC!

Hello all!

I'm finally leaving the dusty desert and heading out to NYC to check 
out the gloriously krazy klezmer scene!  My job brings me out there, 
but after fulfilling my minimal requirement, I'll be off to check out 
everything Klez/Yiddish culture related (Tonic? definitely want to 
visit YIVO), and would love to meet a few local listers!  Please drop 
me an email if you've got a gig (I'm going to check the KlezmerShack 
list in just a second) or would even just like to meet up!  I've never 
been there before and have no idea how to get around, so it would be 
very helpful to get a tip or two on where specific venues and events 
are located.  My date isn't fixed yet, though I expect to be there 
sometime in mid to late October, after holidays for about a week.  Hope 
to meet some of you there!

mitn gantsn hartsn,

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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