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Re: IAYC conference

Hi Lorele,

I would love to get a copy of the Gelbart CD. I played "assembly" piano for 
him at Camp Hofnung in PA in the summer of 1960 -- what a great experience. 
He was in residence there for quite a few summers,and I think this was only 
a year or so before he died (my playing might have done it -- he never 
could get me to play thirds properly!).

Let me know the details. Be well, and thanks for your report!


At 04:40 PM 9/8/03 -0400, you wrote:
>Hi all,
>I just got back from the International Association of Yiddish Clubs 
>conference in Baltimore that our own Sylvia Schildt chaired.  What a 
>wonderful event!  I couldn't believe how close I got to so many people in 
>such a short time!  And hearing so much Yiddish at once--a mekhaye! The 
>workshops and the concerts were delightful.
>I was thrilled to perform my new Gelbart material at the opening night 
>concert and workshop the next day with Walt and Steven.  Zalmen Mlotek did 
>his Yiddish Theater history show; I had never heard the complete version 
>of the birthday song from Goldfaden's Shulamis before, Yale Strom told us 
>about his research into writings about klezmer in the yizker bikher and 
>brought us his new book, which I highly recommend.  It is called The Book 
>of Klezmer: The History, the music the folklore from the 14th century to 
>the 21st.  It has wonderful info, photos, and even a klezmer-loshn 
>appendix.  He also showed his film "Lekhayim, Comrade Stalin" about 
>Birobidzhan.  Watching this film brought to the mind of one of the 
>attendees a long-forgotten song she had learned in the Sholem Aleykhem or 
>Ordn shuln, called Mayn erdele, celebrating the people and families who 
>were about to immigrate to Birobidzhan.  She recalled two verses for us, 
>which were taped and transcribed by a few of us.  If anyone knows this 
>song and more verses, please let me know.
>Itzik Gottesman paid a visit as an observer and reporter for the 
>Forvarts.  Henry Sapoznik gave a lecture about the successes of 
>KlezKamp.  Betty Tepper did a workshop on the history of Tango, and 
>Yiddish tango in Argentina and America, replete with film and audio 
>clips.  Ken and Shira, the newlyweds (everybody now--awwwww), performed 
>their songs of love and drinking.  I don't know how anyone sings and plays 
>at the same time...I certainly have trouble, but they did a good job of 
>it.  I danced a lot as they played.  Lots of people got up to dance, but 
>it was frustrating to me that all they would do was the grapevine step, 
>mayim dance and snakey line.  I did my best to lead them in a more Yiddish 
>vein and they took to it beautifully.  Boy, was I shvitzing!
>Sherm Labovitz, Sender Botwinik and (oh, man, I can't remember the 
>violinist's name--used to play with Hankus--Hey Adrianne, I have regards 
>for you from him, a neighbor of yours from Akron.  Your older sister used 
>to come over and tune his violin for him.) did the material from Mayn 
>Oytser and everyone wanted more, more more.
>Phyllis Berk sang a terrific Yiddish "Come to the Cabaret", and one night 
>about 30 of us were up waaaaaay too late all singing.  The food was very 
>good, except for the kosher bagels which were more like soft rolls, and 
>the company was heymish.  I will treasure the experience and hope to 
>attend more.  I highly recommend the experience.
>There's so much more, but I need a little sleep after working today and 
>being up for four days (well, I slept a little) previously.
>By the way, if any of you would like the new CD, let me know.
>Sh'koyekh, Sylvia!
>mit frayndshaft,
>You can hear Lori's CD, Songs My Bubbe Should Have Taught Me; Vol.1: 
>Passover, at: Only $15 & postage. Email me 
>for more info.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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