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Re: Replying to messages

In defense of Wendy's original posting:

I believe that she meant that notes between individuals such as "Where should 
I send the money for that CD?" etc. should be sent between individuals and 
not posted to the list.  We all have a limited workday/weekend/lifespan, and so 
if the note is not really intended for everyone, make it so.

But if it's a note of potentially general interest--the various replies that 
come in to all the questions that cross this list--of course, they should be 
welcome there.  And it's also fine, I think, to post the little one-line 
responses like "Thanks for the help, everyone!" or "Way to go, Lorele!" 

That's my 2 shekels.  And a good shabbos to all...(that is intended for the 
Lori (at) MAX

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