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Re: Internetowe Radio Szalom

Internetowe Radio Szalom seems to be simply an attempt to present Jewish 
music.  The Polish statement on the home page says the following: 
"Internetowe Radio Szalom shows the riches of Jewish music -- in both 
its contemporary and somewhat older editions.  Our station broadcasts 
Israeli folk music, traditional pop hits known in Poland (Bublichki) and 
jazz stylizations of Jewish music. The music we broadcast presents the 
atypical style that is characteristic of the culture of the State of 

Its "Forum" page, which seems to have functioned only in 2000-2001, 
contains mostly exchanges between one or two rabid antisemites (who 
apparently) post to any Polish site having to do with Jews, Israel or 
Judaism, and their opponents (Jewish and Polish).

There are links to several other internet broadcasters in Poland, 
broadcasting respectively Polish old and current pop, movie music, 
Celtic music, sailing music, music of J. S. Bach and selections from the 
Old and New Testament.

Bob Rothstein

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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