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Internetowe Radio Szalom

Shalom all,

A little while ago I had posted a message to the list voicing my suspicions 
that the above site was in fact a Christian Messianic site rather than a Jewish 
music site. One of you (I'm sorry, I forget who) who knows Polish read the site 
and responded that there was nothing there that seemed "un-Jewish". Well, I 
listened more, came to the conclusion below and sent the following email to 
Ari, who agrees and is removing the site from the Klezmer Shack.

Dick Rosenberg

Message I sent to Ari follows:

Hi Ari,

After listening to this Internet radio station for quite a while and following 
up on some of the music by suspicious groups (Adonai, Next Year in Jerusalem) I 
have come to the conclusion that this is in fact a Christian Messianic web site 
that plays music from groups who emphasize the Jewish roots of Christianity and 
who (I believe) see the music they play as a means to convert Jews (see for a web site that features the groups played 
constantly on Internetowe Radio Szalom.) I became suspicious when a song that I 
didn't recognize was called l'shalom b'yeshua.

I posted something to the list recently regarding what I had found to that 
point and somebody who understood Polish said that the web site was innocuous. 
Obviously I have found out differently. I plan to do another post to the list 

I would also suggest that you remove this link (and your recommendation about 
the "lonely Jew" in Poland) from the Klezmer Shack.



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