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Verdi and the Sefardim

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Date: Fri, 8 Aug 2003 12:24:57 +0200
From: Edwin Seroussi
To: I. Oppenheim

(referring to:
Any other oppinions on this issue? I.O.)

Dear Mr Oppenheim,

A brief note on you question concerning Verdi. This is
a pure melodic coincidence.

As for the story of the Ladino song Adio querida (and
not querido), I wrote about this on my article The
Music of the Song in Ladino published regretfully in
Hebrew In the journal Peamim of 2001. The melody is
indeed an adaptation from La Traviata, as already
pointed out many many years ago by Dr. Israel J. Katz
too. The origin appears to be in Sofia, Bulgaria.

Best wishes from Jerusalem

Prof. Edwin Seroussi
Director, Jewish Music Research Centre
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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