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RE: Verdi and the Sefardim

Irwin wrote:

> Below I have attached a picture with a transcription of
> the theme of the Agnus Dei from Verdi's Requiem next to
> a transcription of a Halleil theme for Pesach, used by
> the Portuguese Jews in Amsterdam.
> Both themes are strikingly similar. Do you know whether
> one of the themes was based on the other, or if both
> themes have a source in common?

I await answers with eager interest, as I was always intrigued
(or since I learned of it) by the clear resemblance/appropriation
between  Verdi's "Addio, del passato" from LA TRAVIATA and
the Sephardic song "Adio, querido."  I used to think Verdi
borrowed the melody from "Adio, querido" but was persuaded
that it was almost certainly a borrowing in the opposite direction
(i.e., by us from Verdi, in a time-honored Jewish fashion).

Very eager to hear in re Irwin's example--and, certainly, if
there's more to say about "Addio/Adio"!

--Robert Cohen

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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