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Romanian fiddler available September 27th?

Hello / Buna Ziua / Shalom,

I was at a wonderful wedding this past weekend.  The bride and
groom had lived in Romania for several years, and they invited
Sandra Layman and Hank Bradley down from Seattle to liven up the
gathering with some first-rate fiddle tunes that Sandra brought 
back from her many years in Bucuresti.

Among the wedding guests was a Romanian-born woman who sat with
her fiance, transfixed by the music.  Here's what she just wrote me:

  The music at the wedding was so wonderful that both Paul and I realized 
  we should incorporate some traditional Romanian music in our own wedding.
  I spoke with Sandra Layman about this, but unfortunately, our wedding 
  falls on Rosh HaShanah weekend so she will not be able to make it.... 
  The wedding will take place at 6PM on Saturday, September 27th at the 
  Baltimore Museum of Art.  Please let me know if you have any suggestions 
  or ideas.

So.... if you can play Romanian violin music and you are available on that
date (non-Jews only, please -- we're talking about Rosh HaShanah), write me
off-list and I will forward your information to the bride immediately. 
Even if you're not from the east coast, send your info if you might be 
able to come to Baltimore.  

A separate note:  I spent a lot of time visiting with the upcoming bride
and groom, and they are both delightful people.  You'd enjoy them - and
I wish I were free to take part in this wedding too!


Jack (Yankl) Falk

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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